"Renewables are an attempt to save our current way of life, not the environment or nature." This should be on billboards everywhere.

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So what's a solution? 🤔

What are concrete steps to "an ecological awakening at a global scale"? What about 30 by 30? What about green hydrogen from solar or wind? ... and what about your retirement plans?

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Hi Olaf,

I don't believe there are any easy solutions at this point. And possible solutions depends on what you are referring to. A solution to save our current high-consumption way of life? Or solutions that give us the best possible chance at long-term survival living within planetary boundaries? It seems modern civilization is not compatible with the planet, so the first step is for the majority of people to realize that and understand the bigger picture of what we are doing. This is what I mean by ecological awakening. 30 by 30 sounds like a step in the right direction.

Hydrogen would be useful (and free of emissions) for many things within transportation, but as you said it would need to be from solar or wind, not natural gas is it currently is for the most part. It's an energy-conversion (there is some 20-30% energy loss) so we shouldn't go all-in on it for things that could work just as well directly with solar and wind – that would be wasting energy. My understanding is that hydrogen is a challenging fuel in terms of storage and transportation, because it leaks easily and it's very flammable.

I don't think in terms of a typical retirement, but I have tried to diversify as much as possible between different asset classes and try to be self-sufficient where possible. We don't know what the future brings.

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The Great Filter awaits... unless benevolent AGI becomes real. Strange times indeed.

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All important information. You may want to discuss what people may want to do in response.

Deep Adaptation is an approach.


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